Broswick City, a beacon of cooperation among the five main races, teeters on the brink of domination by the corrupt corporation Steam-Forge. Led by the ruthless tycoon Zaena Vargan, she aims to transform the city into a Corporate Autocracy by controlling the Knight-Enforcers through sinister modifications. It falls to you to lead a resistance, dismantle Steam-Forge’s grip, and save the city.
In a realm engulfed in darkness, a solitary Seeker yearns to uncover the Fallen Angel Adellum and bring back light to the world. A ten-chapter series that will see you braving a macabre and epic journey through the Kingdom of Ayonia.
You are the last surviving knight of House Greybloom. Disease has claimed the rest of your household, as well as much of the land it was sworn to protect. Though the plague has passed, the people who remain are poor and desperate.